MetricSoft Process Improvement Consultants

Providing digital solutions to boost overall performance for companies with 10 to 10,000 employees.

Customer Loyalty = Repeat Sales

To build customer loyalty, your value proposition must include additional services that differentiate you from the competition. Our consultants will design solutions that provide tangible evidence of your company’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. The following are some examples:

These customer-centric solutions are designed to enhance the customer experience, translating to customer retention and loyalty.

Reduce Cost and Improve ROI

As a shareholder or owner, the primary reason you invest in your business is to make a profit. Our consultants will work with you and your team to develop programs to increase your ROI. A sample of these programs includes:

ISO Digitalization

Our consultants will streamline the entire certification effort and ensure the true benefits of ISO are realized. The solution is designed to promote employee engagement and enforce ISO quality recommendations. Some features include:

Our IS0 solution systematically collects evidence and helps maintain process compliance, saving you time and effort for certification.

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Lack Of Experienced Personnel For Implementation? Not a problem. Our consultants will manage your digital journey.

There is no doubt that the technology behind Industry 4.0 is complicated, but so are the inner workings of a commercial aircraft and an automobile, and while you are probably not an expert technician in either  one of these, you use them on a regular basis. Likewise, with MetricSoft, once our consultants complete your installation and custom configuration, daily use is relatively simple.
Our implementation team consists of the following professionals:
Project Manager (PM): Our PM will manage all deliverables and tasks whether from our team, yours or external suppliers. All tasks will be managed to ensure timely deliverables using industry best practices for Project Management that include the following project phases:

1. Project Definition: This phase is used to document the goals needed to achieve a successful implementation.
2. Analysis and Requirements: In this phase, each goal and objective is analyzed, and the requirements needed to achieve success are documented.
3. Design Document: Once the analysis is performed and requirements are agreed on, the technical teams begin the design phase. This phase is used to design the custom requirements and configuration of MetricSoft required for each goal. During this phase, the PM presents your team
with a prototype of what the solution will look like before the actual build is initiated. This prototype is used to begin training and start communication with your user community.
4. Build Phase: Once the design is approved, the work is assigned to our technicians to begin the customization of MetricSoft.
5. Training: The documents created in the Analyze and Design phases are used to create training manuals. During this phase, work sessions are scheduled to begin training.
6. Test Phase: Testing of MetricSoft custom solutions is conducted in this session. Each customer is assigned a test environment with an actual working module of MetricSoft.
7. Implementation: Once testing and training is concluded, an implementation date is scheduled to begin official use of MetricSoft in the production environment.
Programmer Analyst: Makes programming changes to customize MetricSoft with the requirements needed to achieve your goals.
8.Automation Specialist: Supports Internet of Things (IoT) by establishing network connectivity to capture equipment data feeds. If necessary, our Automation Specialist can install sensors on your legacy equipment to manage performance and extend its life cycle.Business Intelligence Analyst: Design Data Warehouse, Cubes, Dashboards and advanced reports for analytics and Predictive Maintenance.
Industrial Engineer and Quality Specialist: Assists in process improvements and quality planning.

We understand that most small and medium-sized companies do not have the resources to staff a Project Management Office and technical team to manage these types of solutions. And neither should you have to. This is where we come in: to help you modernize your production with state-of-the-art technology that will significantly improve efficiency.

Solution Is Too Expensive, Not With MetricSoft

When purchasing business software, there is a lot to consider that can affect pricing, like which modules to buy, license fees, types of licenses, consultant fees, maintenance, to name a few. These variables can easily blow the budget if the project is not managed carefully. For these reasons, many small and mediumsize = companies shy away from implementing software solutions. At MetricSoft, we understand the frustration with runaway project costs and overpriced solutions, and we take strict measures to avoid them. For example, before we begin any work, our Project Manager will provide you with a State of Work (SOW) that details the complete cost of the solution. This is done during the Design Phase of the project, where our technical staff has enough information to review the requirements to achieve your goals and calculate the number of hours needed to complete each task.
Once the SOW is signed and approved, it seals the cost so that there are no surprises.

User licensing cost is another item that can significantly impact overall software cost. Traditionally, licenses are so cost-prohibitive that most companies can only afford a few for selected analysts and managers. With a tool like MetricSoft, we believe that issuing a mere handful of licenses is counterproductive. The products your customers buy are produced by your Shop Supervisors and Operators, and both groups are critical to any process improvement initiatives. Our license pricing favors these groups, to eliminate any cost barriers that would prohibit them from using MetricSoft to manage and improve production.